Burn Fat Workout

Everything you know about cardio is about to change . You are about to discover the truth about 5 cardio burn fat workout and lose more belly fat in less workout time . Begin by looking at the old , old fat burn fat workout .

Cardio Workout # 1 to burn fat : slow cardio

The first session of cardio to burn fat is "Old School Cardio " . For years we have been deceived into thinking that we need long, slow , boring cardio to burn fat. However , many men and women as slaves within the cardio machines 40 , 60 and 90 minutes per session without burning fat. How is this possible ?

To be honest, I do not know exactly why it does not work , burn fat workout but two recent studies found that women who perform 40-60 minutes of low intensity cardio , 3-5 days a week, not to lose belly fat after at least 12 weeks of cardio. Based on these results, slow cardio is not one of the best cardio exercises to burn fat.

Burn fat workout In fact, in one study, the researchers tested high intensity cardio , and found that high intensity cardio could burn fat.

Cardio Workout # 2 for burning fat : high intensity cardio

The only problem is that high intensity cardio burn fat workout requires you to work as hard as you can until it burns at least 400 calories in a workout . It will take at least 40 minutes - if this is one of the best cardio exercises to burn fat , burn fat workout it is always the best.

A better approach is to use interval training . This is the third session of cardio to burn fat workout .

Cardio Workout # 3 for burning fat : Cardio Interval Training

In a study in Australia that compared two cardio exercises to burn fat, subjects performed three sessions of interval training per week burn fat workout lost a significant amount of belly fat, while another group to 40 minutes slow cardio week belly fat does not burn.

Exercise training to interval is a much better choice for fat loss . For interval training , you make a normal heat , then alternating between intense exercise and easy exercise, then you follow with a cool down burn fat workout . This routine takes only twenty minutes.

Here is a sample interval cardio to burn fat workout . 5 minutes to warm up , then exercise for 1 minute at a rate that is 10-20 % harder than normal cardio intensity. After 1 minute , decrease your pace for the year all the way to level cooling. Burn fat workout repeat this simple cycle lasts 5 times longer. Complete with 3 minutes of cooling .

Cardio Workout # 4 to burn fat : Tabitha interval cardio

Because interval training became popular , personal trainers have been looking for other short cardio exercises to burn fat. A study in Japan used something known as the " Tabitha Protocol " , and many coaches believe it is even better than regular cardio intervals . The fourth session of cardio to burn fat is the Tabitha Interval program burn fat workout .

I am not convinced that it is better than regular intervals , but it is a heck of a hard way to make a workout fat burning . After a heated , 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of recovery . I repeat 8 times. This fat burning training takes just 4 minutes!

Cardio Workout # 5 fat burning cardio system body weight burn fat workout

Finally, the fifth session of cardio to burn fat is circuit training bodyweight. As intervals and Tabitha workouts , circuit training bodyweight is not really "cardio" , but these are the three best cardio exercises to burn fat workout .

Whatever you want to call bodyweight cardio , burn fat workout here's how it works .

First, we start with a period of body weight quickly and easily, such as Jumping Jacks .

After that, switch between 3 lower body and upper body burn fat workout exercises three body weight , using squats , pumps , lunges, pulling exercises like rows or pulls, split squats , and Total Body abdominal exercises like mountain climbers .

Finally, complete the circuit of Exercise 8 with a total body exercise as hard jumps, burgees , or running in place burn fat workout. Now , it is the fat burning cardio !

There are 5 cardio exercises to burn fat . Only two are "traditional" , but these two are more and less effective. Fat burning cardio short are the best way to burn belly fat fast .

Click here for a sampling of cardio fat burning program that has helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning interval .

Turbulence Training fat burning workout sessions help you burn fat without , slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment burn fat workout .

Craig Gallantly is a health expert and trainer oxygen in the magazine Men's Journal and your fat burning bodyweight workout help you lose fat without any equipment at all sessions burn fat workout .

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